Saturday, June 28, 2008

Every Step You Take...Every Move You Make

I was thinking...if someone wanted to stalk me, it would be really easy.

I have a fairly easy schedule to memorize.
I visit the same Starbucks twice a day, everyday, around the same times.
I drive a car with a personalized license plate.
I hardly ever drive out of a twenty-mile radius.
I post a ton of stuff about myself on a public website.

I have unagi.
I am completely aware of my surroundings at all times.
And I would notice if the same person kept popping up in the background...
Believe you me (is that the actual expression?) I would call the police very quickly.


Alyssa said...

unagi... thanks of my favorite episodes or at least up there

Suefalla said...

unagi? samon-skin-roll?

TheHuntsAreRad said...

oh man, I really like you after this post.

karaiwashi said...

unagi? as in the eel sashimi? hahaha!

Erin Brady said...

Yeah, Unagi, I knew that was familiar. Thank you Alyssa Maine for helping me remember. Thank you Ross, marry me? (No, don't. Marry Rachel. You can just be my friend). Thank you Allison, for being great :)