Monday, June 02, 2008

Come Play With Us

Walking down hotel hallways alone.

I am totally afraid that someone will follow me in to my room.
Or pull me in to theirs.
Or attack me and leave me in-between floors on the staircase.

I could scream, but who would come out to help?
He could cover my mouth so I couldn't scream and then what?

And, what if no one realizes I'm missing for a while?
What if they assume I'm with someone else...until tomorrow morning when everyone realizes they haven't seen me since the night before.

So, I might ask you to walk me back to my room.
Or stay on the phone with me as I walk back.


Heather McTaggart said...

I call my husband when I leave work and have parked behind Tent 2 at night! I creep out walking out there alone and have ALL those same thoughts...

Julie Hibbard said...

And I WORK at a hotel! Sometimes when I get there at 5am and it's dark and eerily quiet I look down those halls and swear a little kid on a big wheel is gonna come around the corner. If two little twin girls showed up, I'd freak out.
Be safe and don't be alone. You're pretty smart about that. The rules are the same at home as they are out in the careful.
You certainly won't have to worry about hotel rooms when you are living in Kenya.

Jaclyn Parker said...

that sounds EXACTLY like "Prom Night"

Josh Treece said...

nice the shining reference

Anonymous said...

Why do you assume your attacker is a guy?

Jessica Torres said...


neely said...

clearly watching to many episodes of CSI...

PETE Di LALLO said...

Talking on your cell is a good idea as is carrying a steaming hot cup of coffee with the lid off...

when I travel for golf tournaments I carry my pitching wedge in the hotel...
not really, but I have slept with my clubs...