Tuesday, April 08, 2008

For Cereal?*

I was in Target on Sunday and there was an announcement for the Juno soundtrack.
They blah, blahed The Moldy Peaches and blah, blah, blah only at Target...

The part that really stuck out was when the announcer (a very W.A.S.P.y white woman) said (in her best "trying-to-be-cool-but-so-obviously-awkward-mom-voice"):

"It's the shizz, home skillet"

I said, loudly in Target, "Oh, no...No, no."

That is not okay.

*The title 'For cereal' is meant to be awkward, to foreshadow the awkwardness of the post itself...I do not think it is a cool or funny thing to say...


Jessica Torres said...

I always wondered where W.A.S.P. originated from...

thank you.

Erin Brady said...

You get me, pumpkin, you get me good :)

And that really is not okay. Not at all.