Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It Bothers Me When People Say:

"Alls I'm saying is..."


"It's acrosst from..."

Can you think of any others?


kayla rae said...

"I made this drawling for you..."
"He's probly over by the door."

Oh, no...

Heather Leith said...

UH! my teacher said accrost like three times today when speaking of a crossword puzzle. i wanted to blow my brains out.

i hate "melk," "pellow," "exPINsive" and "FLURished."

Julie Hibbard said...

"EVER now and again"
"I could care less" (and they mean that they could NOT care less)

TSHarrison said...

You people talk funny in CA.

Ange said...

"well what happened was..."
"LOL" (not when people write it, but when they actually say it outloud"
"wus it to ya?"

Cathi said...

I hate when people say "of" completely out of context. But for some reason its been happening a lot lately. I'm trying to think of an example, but it seriously is so out of place when it's used I can't even think of one. Does this happen to you?

Bethany said...

You really should have just said that it bothers you when Brian speaks!

And as I was typing this, I heard him say, "dad-gum-it". You can add that to the list.

TheHuntsAreRad said...

"melk" instead of milk
"rum" instead of room
"prolly" instead of probably
"birt-day" for birthday(my dad)

that is it.

Jessica Torres said...

Using "for" instead of "so"...

Example: "Why would you go to the store?"..."For I can buy stuff."


Gina Vistaunet said...

Valentimes and
Happy VD Day.
The D stand for Day.

Jake Rutenbar said...


And I don't hold it against people, but I really appreciate when people pronounce the first "r" in February.

blythe said...


and i read cathi's addition and agree.
"i wouldn't of forgotten it at home"

blythe said...

oh! and "i'm not gonna lie..."

would you tell me if you WERE going to lie to me??

Kurt Johnston said...

"We need to Re-Duplicate our efforts".
So we need to duplicate them twice?