Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Irrational Fear #6

I have a huge fear of breaking my neck.

I think it spawned from my mother always threatening that it would happen...not that she would do it, but that by some freak accident I would become paralyzed.

She would say things like "Don't ride your bike without a helmet, you'll fall and break your neck" or "Don't climb trees, you'll fall and break your neck"...

Now I find myself thinking about it...

Yesterday, we were throwing apples in the office. I actually thought, I'm not going to walk back down there. They could throw it and it could hit me in the back of the neck and I could be paralyzed.

I'm bound to make an over-protective mother...


Julie Hibbard said...

...and a very good mother you will be...
Mothers have been saying that for generations...
It's akin to "You'll shoot your eye out kid!"

Gina Vistaunet said...

If we do anything dangerous at our house I say, "stop or you'll knock your teeth out", or "you're going to fall and break your teeth". I'm not too concerned with any other limbs or body parts.