Thursday, September 20, 2007

Waiter, There's Some Creepy in My Dinner!

Tonight, I took Hillary to Chili's in Mission Viejo.
I know that 'they' say the waiter gets a better tip if he sits down at the table and makes conversation, but sometimes I think that's a little awkward...

Needless to say, our waiter sat right down at our table tonight...pretty close to me, I thought he might just cozy up and put his arm around me...kinda creepy, right? I even had to move my purse because he practically sat down on it.

Hillary and I laughed about it everytime he left our table...He had to know we were laughing at him...

But, 'they' are right...I left him a pretty big tip.


Josh Peters said...

way to perpetuate awkward dining experiences.

Alanna Moine said...

but the question is...if he had been cute, would you still think he was creepy?

yazz said...

i know that waiter. he does that to me too.