Friday, August 24, 2007

Postal Service

Walking through the city streets of London...on my way to school
"I was waiting for a cross-town train on the London Underground, when it struck me..."

Traveling by van through the Great Rift Valley...on three different trips
"Tell me am I right to think that there could be nothing better..."

On a bus through Hungary, in to Austria...trying to drown out the voices of cackling elderly tourists
"I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned..."

I know it's an old album. I know I may be out-of-date to love it so. But, from the moment it begins, memories come flooding back to me: Kyle Rutenbar (pre-love for Courtney) sharing a pair of headphones as we drove to the safari park...walking from Metrogate to the tube station, stopping at Starbucks on my way...driving through Kenya this year, playing pocket Yahtzee and hearing traces of Abby laughing at, hearing awful jokes (not even "boo"-worthy) faintly in the background, feeling my mom elbow me with each punchline...

I know the album is called "Give Up", but I will not...I will keep this album, at the top of my playlist with each international travel.

Also on today's playlist: Shane and Shane, John Mayer, Panic! at the Disco, Leeland, David Crowder Band

Current page of HP7: 388

1 comment:

Mike Lovato said...

Good call. I am convinced that this album will never grow old.