Sunday, April 08, 2007

Two Quotes From Two Books

"Always live with your biography in mind."

"There are many ways to live a good life."

How will you live yours?


Julie Hibbard said...

I suppose I might be remembered for yelling out answers whilst playing boardgames at Family Holiday Gatherings.
But, at that point, it will be funny and someone will probably wish I was there to yell out "Massachusetts".
Seems like you are enjoying your life and that is a joy for a mom to see. I think YOUR biography could be called, "The life of Allison Hibbard-no trivial pursuit"
Good one, huh?
I love my life right now and couldn't ask for anything more! :)

PETE Di LALLO said...

Dear 'No Trivial pursuiter'...

Your Mom's comment is not hard to agree 'bout we play one game for a few bucks?
ah ha!!! I knew you'd say no...