Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dream On?

At what point do you move on? When do you decide that your dream should remain a dream?

Is the age at which you decide to "get a real job" contingent on what your dream is?

Or, are some dreams silly regardless of age?

Is it equally as sad to be 18 and moving to LA to "break-in to show business" as it is to be 35 and doing the same?

When, as the friend or the parent, do you say: "Enough is enough! You have to stop dreaming about being a ____________ (fill in the blank: rock star, writer, baseball player, model...) and buckle down!"?

Is letting go of your dream really just failing to persevere? Or is it finally firmly grasping reality?

Do you regret that you spent so much time pursuing it...or regret that you gave up on it before it came to fruition?

If more people gave up at "that age", how many brilliant movies, works of art, songs, inventions would we be missing out on?

And, since so many people do give up, what more could we experience that they are withholding from the world?

I want to pursue writing. And the fact of the matter is, I'm afraid. I'm afraid to end up as yet another jobless dreamer who is all talk and very few ideas. I'm afraid that I will be lost among a crowd of more-talented faces.

Maybe my inability to dream about such a career stunts my ability to dream about book ideas, magazine jobs, editing positions...

*NOTE: I love my job. This is, in no way, meant to be a "poor me" post. It was just something on my mind.*


Josh(ua) Treece said...

Wait... I'm confused. Ok, maybe Kenya is in desperate need of writers. In fact, maybe all you have to do is translate all of an already famous book into Swahili. If they've never heard of the book, then you'll be famous! Think about it; Harry Potter in Swahili is...

Julie Hibbard said...

You ARE a writer, you just don't make a living at it yet. And I think you will.
You never (really) give up on your dreams...but sometimes you must put them on the back burner for the sake of responsibility and/or the needs of others.
At this point, YOU can write (you DO write!) and you will never have more time to do so.
Start today to make THAT dream come true...the dream of making a LIVING being a writer.
Because you don't have to DREAM about BEING a writer...that, you are...and are so good at it too.

Insured Asset Solutions said...

I’ve been actively pursuing a dream for 13 years now. I’ve been told to keep pursuing it, which is my hearts desire, but some people have also told me to let it go. I’m no quitter! Summer of 2008 will either make or break the dream. In either outcome I’ll at least know if it was meant to be or not after putting every effort into it.

Brent said...

You can always write. Continue to do it now.

Maybe one day that will be solely your career label, but for now, keep doing what you do: enjoy reading and writing.

ponch0 said...

This post really made me think....all of those ideas are things to definently ponder. But, you can do whatever you want to do! I think you would be an awesome writer, I would read your books! :-)