Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tuesday's Heartache

Today I am aching to be in London.

When I woke up this morning, my first thought was I wish I were in London.

Getting dressed, doing my hair...I thought about being in London.

I typed LONDON in to Google Images to change my desktop background and I could feel my insides tense a little at the pictures...wanting to be walking in that city, not looking at a photo of it from across the world.

Don't get me wrong; I love my job. I love where I'm at right now and what God's doing...I just wish I could pick it all up and move it to London. My same everything, just in a different city...and with my friends here and my friends there. One big happy Allison universe.

So, just FYI, that's what's on my heart today.

1 comment:

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

yes, now I finally know what to get you for your B-day. A anual pass to Allison Universe!
(this was much funnier in my head)