Friday, June 30, 2006

Hell must be filled with Avocados

So apparently I'm allergic to avocado. I've always known that it makes my stomach hurt if a eat a bit of guacamole...but I never realized how bad it truly was until last night.

I ordered California Rolls for dinner. Oh, they looked delicious. they even tasted delicious going down. But they were not as delicious coming back up.

That's right...I lost my for each McGill who had to listen while it happened.

And of course, Mish to the rescue, knocks on the door to ask "Alli, are you sick? Do you want some water?" Just as she did when Marcy was sick a few weeks ago. Mish, meant to be a mom.

I had to leave the McGills and go home to some Pepto and my own bed.

Note to self: Next time remember, California Rolls are an Avoca-DON'T!


Matt McGill said...

It is important to note, for historical purposes and other for purposes not quite so noble, that the Mish heard not a single hack coming from the bathroom, or rather, your mouth. Once the TV is on, misha is as clueless as a room full of medicated catatonic schizophrenics. On the other hand, my eagle ears picked up your distress immediately, and so I alerted the mish. Humbly yours, matt

Josh(ua) Treece said...

This blog is filled with so many stinking puns! It makes me realize how much I miss talking to you. Let's be blog buddies. I'm putting a link to you on mine.

mdelaine said...

you probably never see this comment because it is may 28 2008 cool huh! i really even like your bloggs 2 years ago